Enjoy the Varied Sights and Attractions of an Atlantic Coast Road Trip

A thorough Atlantic Coast Road Trip starts in New York City, and ends down south, at the tip of Florida in the historically rich city of Key West. Be prepared to travel almost two thousand miles of two lane, nature-filled roads with scenery unlike anything you can find along the interstate highways. Along this route, not only will you see many miles of dedicated national seashore, you will also have the opportunity to visit many interesting and unique seaside towns and view various historical sites. This route, with its varied sights and attractions, is one that should appeal to almost anyone.

When making an Atlantic coast road trip, you can begin with a tour of the iconic Statue of Liberty. From there, you can travel to Atlantic City in New Jersey, which is full of brightly lit resorts known for their perpetual fun and games. If you long for Coney Island style attractions, you can find those in places such as Ocean City, located in Maryland and Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. There you will find amusement park rides, old time confections and wax museums. These man-made attractions are sure to entertain all ages, if only for a moment in time.

For those tourists who are interested in sites of a historical nature, South of the Mason-Dixon line, which is between Pennsylvania and Maryland, will yield areas rich in history such as Roanoke Island in North Carolina. This is where the first English speaking colony settled over four centuries ago, and also disappeared without a clue in 1587.

Also in North Carolina, in the Cape Lookout Region, there are a multitude of sites related to the Civil War era. Plenty of lighthouses also dot the coast, and some are even open for tourists. Fort Sumter, located in South Carolina, is also well known as where the first shots of the Civil War were fired in April of 1861. For a peek at historical naval battlegrounds, Hampton Roads at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay in Southeastern Virginia is a good stop on your Atlantic Coast road trip. Make sure not to miss out on Kitty Hawk where the Wright Brothers took flight for the first time in history. End your trip in Key West, Florida and enjoy the botanical and architectural treasures you can find there.

Whether you are seeking the solitude on a naturally preserved beach, or you long to experience the sights and sounds of seaside towns, you can be certain that an Atlantic Coast road trip will satisfy your desires. Since it is a lengthy journey, it can best be enjoyed in a leisurely fashion. So be prepared to stop off at a roadside stand or historical home along your drive.

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